Hakkını iste, filolarını kumanda et ve uzayda efsane bir savaş ver. Galaksiyi kötü VEGA Federasyonundan geri almak için kanlı ittifaktaki diğer oyuncularla işbirliği yap.
SAVAŞINI ÖZELLEŞTİR: Farklı hedefler farklı stratejiler gerektirir, filonu zafer kazanmak için donat.
GERÇEK ZAMANLI PvP: Gerçek savaş sırasını beklemez - düşmanlara istediğin anda gerçek zamanlı olarak saldır.
İSTEDİĞİN YERDEN SAVAŞ: Çatışma hiç bitmez. Telefondan, tabletten ya da web tarayıcısından ilerlemeye devam et.
Recommended devices:
We recommend high-end devices for the best gameplay experience: Galaxy S5, LG G3, HTC One M8, Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 9, Sony Xperia Z, Sony Xperia Z2, Sony Xperia Z3
Internet Data Use:
VEGA Conflict requires a stable internet connection and is best played on Wi-Fi. After initial install and updates VEGA Conflict needs to download additional game data, Wi-Fi is recommended
Required App Permissions:
IN-APP PURCHASES – So you can buy in-game currency if you choose to
IDENTITY – So the game can offer you the option to sign in with your Google/G+ account
PHOTOS/MEDIA/FILES – So the game can store game data on your device
WI-FI CONNECTION INFORMATION – So the game can connect to the internet to play
DEVICE ID & CALL INFORMATION – So phone calls will not be blocked by the game
Optional Google+/Google Play Games Permissions:
If you choose to sign in with Google+/Google Play Games to use achievements and leaderboards the game requires additional permissions. The game will never use your email contacts.
If you would prefer to play as a Guest, login with Facebook, or use KIXEYE details then press CANCEL when prompted to give permissions/log in with Google+/Google Play Games
Some players have had trouble signing in while in portrait mode. Please sign in while in landscape or disable auto-rotate in Settings. Thanks for your patience while we resolve this issue.